Monday 10 October 2016

Solar market set to ‘explode’ in Nigeria, others provided chronic issues are addressed

According to Solarcentury’s Daniel Davies and other panel experts at this year’s Solar Energy UK | Clean Energy Live show, subject to regulatory risks and financing issues, the potential for solar deployment in Sub Saharan Africa is exponential, with the rooftop sector set to explode, PV Techreports.
Firstly, tackling the “regulatory risk” in Sub Saharan Africa is pivotal to exploiting the continent’s massive potential for solar and other renewables. Among the issues with regulation, Chijoke Mama, founder of Nigeria-based energy firm Energydatar, identified “lack of skills, poor financing and poor data” as other key barriers to solar taking off.
Several countries are coming to terms with solar and seeing it as a viable solution compared to conventional diesel-powered solutions and kerosene lamps. Nigeria in particular instigated nationwide energy reform in June 2015 in regards to the country’s feed-in tariffs (FiTs).
However, “regulatory ambiguities” are still a chronic problem in Sub Saharan Africa, within minimal government support established for solar as it is still often perceived as something new and expensive. DuPont’s Stephan Padlewski spoke on the import of lowering the costs of solar implementation. He said; “The cost has to be minimised to make solar competitive.”

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